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I was born in a small town. And I lived in a small town. And if you’re humming John Mellencamp, the Cougar, that is, you’re right here with me. I was the oldest sibling in a third generation family business. In other words, my life was conscripted and designed for me without my tacit knowledge before I burst forth from the womb.

In school, me and authority never really got along. To me, respect was something you earned. Teachers and administrators were not big fans of punk-ass students like me bucking the trend. Who didn’t walk the straight line. In high school, they tried to punish me by keeping me out of the National Honor Society. I slid a newspaper clipping from USA Today that said it didn’t make a difference in college admissions.

Turns out, I’m not a manufacturing person. Not one bit. I can play one on TV, but once I’m done acting, I’ve got no interest in it. None. Nada. Zilch. 

The reality. I’m an artist. One that has been suffocated and denied his seat at the table. Denied by my father who saw me as a tool to advance his own goals. Denied by our culture that punished those who think differently, that don’t follow the herd. That dare to question why things have always been done a certain way.

This blog is the culmination of years of neglect. Years of thinking that I wasn’t good enough. That nobody cared what I had to say. And that inner voice that likes to knock us down, it could be right. But thanks to the encouragement of so many, from my students to my peers to my mentors, I’m casting off the bowlines, leaving the safety of the harbor, and putting myself out there.

I hope you enjoy the journey with me.

Productivity & Growth

Here, I’ll be walking you through the steps of how to get your life back under control. To find balance not through cutting or some magical hack, but by elevating your priorities and focusing your energies on things that advance the action. And learning to let go of the rest. It will mirror a class I teach called Entrepreneurial Endurance. Along the way, I’ll be charting my own journey, research, tips, tricks, and a step-by-step process for getting there with plenty of anecdotes and personal musings.

Art & Play

This will be where I post my art, my poetry (yep, you read that right), and whatever other creative endeavor has momentarily captured my attention. This will be where I chart and capture the liberating of my artist within. Going from walled garden to full monty, so to speak. 

Life Lessons

In this section, I will talk about a variety of topics spanning marriage, fatherhood, manhood, finding balance, learning to be still, and why I think following you passion is shitty advice.  Too many of us get advice from folks telling us to take the safe route. Or we get advice from successful people that tell us to follow our passion but omit how luck and timing played a huge role in their success. None of that bullshit here. Rather, I will focus on what you need to know to survive and thrive, the systems for getting there, and the tools for ignoring everyone else.

Don't know where to start?

Growth & Productivity

Feeling stuck, listless, overwhelmed or uninspired?

Scroll through this section to figure out how to get your life back under control and redesign your life for the better.

Start here →

Life Lessons

Struggling through life changes? Just looking for inspiration?

 Start here to laugh, cry, or simply nod your head with the knowledge that we are more alike than different.

Start here →

Art & Play

Have you lost your sense of creativity? It took having kids for me to rediscover mine. Join me as I rediscover my inner artist. Hopefully, it will help you find yours too.

Start here →

Are you struggling with

getting things done?

Check out my step-by-step guide for slowing down, asking the tough questions, and finding balance and purpose in everything you do. 

Let's go!
By Billy Banks July 25, 2022
When it comes to getting work done, most of us spend too much time hunting field mice and not enough hunting antelope. The problem - the energy required to catch a mouse exceeds its caloric content. If all we hunt are mice, we will eventually starve. The same goes when we prioritize the low stakes work over the important work that advances our careers. To avoid starving in your career, you need to prioritize your most important work - your antelopes.
By Billy Banks June 14, 2022
Common knowledge tells us that by doing many things at once, or jumping in between different tasks, we can get more done in less time. But studies show that the opposite is actually true! Read on to learn how to regain control of your time, and even enjoy more time for yourself, simply by giving up the act of multitasking.
By Billy Banks May 19, 2022
You have the power to a) better understand how you use your time and b) make radical yet easy changes to your day to ensure you use your time more effectively. Let's see how.
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“I have tried other products fine, but this one is certainly the best. It brings everything I do to a new level of quality.” 

Jane Smith 

“This product brings efficiency to a new level of simplicity. It is the simplest product that I have ever used.”

Dana Rosen

“This product brings efficiency to a new level of simplicity. I have never found a product that is so easy to use.”

Rina Brick

“The service is friendly and the results are always of the highest quality. I’m sure to be a return customer.”

Madeleine Taylor 

“I have tried other products fine, but this one is certainly the best. It brings everything I do to a new level of quality.” 

Jane Smith 

“This product brings efficiency to a new level of simplicity. It is the simplest product that I have ever used.”

Dana Rosen

“This product brings efficiency to a new level of simplicity. I have never found a product that is so easy to use.”

Rina Brick

“The service is friendly and the results are always of the highest quality. I’m sure to be a return customer.”

Madeleine Taylor 

Growth & Productivity

Feeling stuck, listless, overwhelmed or uninspired?Scroll through this section to figure out how to get your life back under control and start asking yourself the questions you need to redesign your life for the better.

Start here →

Life Lessons

Are you a new father? Watching a loved one battle cancer? Just looking for inspiration? Start here to laugh, cry, or simply nod your head with the knowledge that we are more alike than different.

Start here →

Art & Play

It took having kids for me to rediscover my artists roots. Roots that were hacked off and buried long ago. Here you can watch my journey, rediscovering my inner artist. Hopefully, it will help you find yours too.

Start here →
Productivity & Growth

Here, I’ll be walking you through the steps of how to get your life back under control. To find balance not through cutting or some magical hack, but by elevating your priorities and focusing your energies on things that advance the action. And learning to let go of the rest. It will mirror a class I teach called Entrepreneurial Endurance. Along the way, I’ll be charting my own journey, research, tips, tricks, and a step-by-step process for getting there with plenty of anecdotes and personal musings.

Art & Play

This will be where I post my art, my poetry (yep, you read that right), and whatever other creative endeavor has momentarily captured my attention. This will be where I chart and capture the liberating of my artist within. Going from walled garden to full monty, so to speak. 

Life Lessons

In this section, I’ll talk about the case against passion, fatherhood, manhood, and whatever else moves me that particular week. Too many of us get advice from folks telling us to take the safe route. Or we get advice from successful people that tell us to follow our passion but omit how luck and timing played a huge role in their success and that their success enabled them to find their passion, not the other way around. None of that bullshit here. Rather, I will focus on what you need to know to survive and thrive, the systems for getting there, and the tools for ignoring everyone else.


Book reviews and a forum for sharing ideas, articles, hacks, tricks, etc. A community where we can safely share our journeys as well as ideas and information for living our own authentic lives.


Tell potential customers why they should invest in this product. Describe its benefits, its advantages over similar products, and its unique features. Make sure potential customers feel confident about investing their money in this product. Will it last a lifetime? Is it healthier than other products? Maybe it is unique and handmade? Whatever the value is, don’t be shy about bragging!
Life Lessons

In this section, I’ll talk about the case against passion, fatherhood, manhood, and whatever else moves me that particular week. Too many of us get advice from folks telling us to take the safe route. Or we get advice from successful people that tell us to follow our passion but omit how luck and timing played a huge role in their success and that their success enabled them to find their passion, not the other way around. None of that bullshit here. Rather, I will focus on what you need to know to survive and thrive, the systems for getting there, and the tools for ignoring everyone else.


Book reviews and a forum for sharing ideas, articles, hacks, tricks, etc. A community where we can safely share our journeys as well as ideas and information for living our own authentic lives.

Are you struggling to

get things done?

Check out my step-by-step guide for slowing down, asking the tough questions, and finding balance and purpose in everything you do. 

Let's go!

What I'm Doing Now

All of us what our kids to be happy. For a parent or caregiver, it is usually a top priority.  But did you know that happiness isn't just luck? It's a skill that can be learned, nurtured and developed. So if your child is having trouble finding his or her happy place, we've got tips and advice for developing habits that can bring joy and happiness. How's that for some happy news?

Book Now
By Billy Banks July 25, 2022
When it comes to getting work done, most of us spend too much time hunting field mice and not enough hunting antelope. The problem - the energy required to catch a mouse exceeds its caloric content. If all we hunt are mice, we will eventually starve. The same goes when we prioritize the low stakes work over the important work that advances our careers. To avoid starving in your career, you need to prioritize your most important work - your antelopes.
By Billy Banks June 14, 2022
Common knowledge tells us that by doing many things at once, or jumping in between different tasks, we can get more done in less time. But studies show that the opposite is actually true! Read on to learn how to regain control of your time, and even enjoy more time for yourself, simply by giving up the act of multitasking.
By Billy Banks May 19, 2022
You have the power to a) better understand how you use your time and b) make radical yet easy changes to your day to ensure you use your time more effectively. Let's see how.
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